The Homestretch
The Homestretch
Wesley Academy is in the homestretch for our school year! We hit the ground running when we got back from Spring break!
We were introduced to our newest fruit of the spirit in Compass Kids Chapel: Faithfulness! We sang praise songs reminding us that God is always faithful to us. We learned that Compass Kids are kids who demonstrate that faithfulness to others.
We were introduced to our newest fruit of the spirit in Compass Kids Chapel: Faithfulness! We sang praise songs reminding us that God is always faithful to us. We learned that Compass Kids are kids who demonstrate that faithfulness to others.
PreK Excitement: Word Building has Arrived!
This past week, our pre-K kiddos put all of their letter sound knowledge together and starting learning how to build words!! It was amazing watching these little ones stretch out sounds and read actual words like Cat, Hat, Mat, Pat and more! They were so proud and excited to be doing such "big kid" things!
They also celebrated their 100th day of school! How is that possible!? Some of their 100 day highlights included eating 100 snacks, making a hat that had 100 items on it, and all sorts of silly 100 day dances!
They also celebrated their 100th day of school! How is that possible!? Some of their 100 day highlights included eating 100 snacks, making a hat that had 100 items on it, and all sorts of silly 100 day dances!
Preschool: Wonderful Letter W
Our preschoolers saddled up to letter W week ready to tackle the Wild West! They had a blast dancing to wild west themed songs and listening to stories from Sheriff Callie's wild west! They enjoyed painting horseshoes and squishing watermelon sensory bags! They had the best weather for their watermelon picnic at Friendship Hill! It was a Wonderful Week!
Bright Beginnings:
Our Bright Beginnings students also enjoyed a Wild West themed week at school! They had fun creating a Wild West collage and enjoyed the Wild West themed smartboard activities to review W and their number this week: 6! In the sensory room, they enjoyed water and water blocks, a Wild West bin full of horses, cowboy hats and wagons, as well as a station to care for horses you'd find on a ranch out west!
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