Please bring…
  • Bedding
  • Clothes for AN ENTIRE WEEK (girls must have a one piece swim suit)
  • 2 Towels
  • Toiletry items (toothbrush, deodorant, shampoo, etc.)
  • A bible or use an app on your phone
  • Medications (if they are on your Permission to Administer Medication form)
  • Please do not bring OTC medications (Tylenol, Ibuprofen, etc.). Leaders will be carrying these.
  • Fun things for down time…. games, bluetooth speaker, etc

Please don’t bring…
Drugs, alcohol, fireworks, pets, weapons, landlords (🦇), and other things you know you are not allowed to bring :)

Be at Wabash First UMC on Sunday the 23rd  by 11:00 AM and we will return on Friday the 28th @ 1PM. We will provide transportation with the church bus
All meals will be provided for the weekend, including lunch on Sunday afternoon
Students will be allowed to have their phones. If you need to contact a leader:
Nick Smith: (765) 639-5193
Kara Smith: (765) 810-5305
We will be staying at Epworth Forest @ Buck Lodge